Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v0.5.5.201310111213 released and marked ‘End of life’ GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.1.201310191701 released

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.0.201310161930 released

Version is the first version of the GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-in SE (second edition), publicly available after about two weeks of development and tests.

Binary files »

It includes support for the same toolchains as the last 0.5.x version, but the implementation is completely new.

Changes and other goodies

The major change is a new way of managing toolchain definitions.

For users this means that it will be possible to add new toolchains to the plug-in much easier, reducing the wait-for-new-toolchain delay; for the plug-in developers this means a significantly lower effort to expand and maintain the code.

The second important change is support for toolchain paths, which simplifies usage and makes switching toolchains easier.

Other changes include a better option management, with most options being defined for all related tools; for users this minimises the risk of using inconsistent options in various build steps.

Indexer support is also improved, by passing all relevant options to the discovery process; for users this means a lower risk out-of-sync index (the mysterious situation when the build passes successfully, but the editor still reports various strange errors).

This first version is marked as ‘Experimental’, which means it must be treated with caution for production environments. Depending on the bug reports received during the next period, this status will probably be lifted with the next version.