Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.2.201310210535 released GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.3-201310290722 released

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v0.5.5.201310221100 released

Although for 0.5.5 there are no further improvements planed, due to a bug report [bugs:#56], it was necessary to release a maintenance version, to correct the bug.

Binary files »

The bug was introduced only in, when the build procedure changed from Eclipse Update site to Maven Tycho, to match the build procedure of version 1.x.

Due to a wrong .classpath inherited from the Eclipse build, access to java classes inside the plug-in was impossible, and functionality was severely impacted.

The .classpath was fixed and the entire build procedure was checked to work with Maven.

For convenience, this version is packed together with