Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.7.1-201911052135 released Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v5.1.1-202007271621 released

GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.7.2-202001271244 released

Version 4.7.2-202001271244 is a maintenance release to fix the issue related to the change introduced by the update to https for the CMSIS Pack index.

Binary files »


  • 97dd134b, 4a6e7df8 - [#373] in early January 2020, Keil/Arm relocated the server storing the CMSIS Packs index to the cloud and changed the URL to https, leaving a http redirect in the previous location. The Java HttpURLConnection class used to download the index does handle some redirections, but those from http to https are not supported, and attempts to refresh the index failed. The new URL was updated in the C/C++ > MCU Packages > Reposiotries preferences page, and also redirection was implementd in code.

Known problems

  • none

Eclipse package

For convenience, this version of the plug-ins is also available as an Eclipse package: