Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.6-201311220955 released GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.7-201312241058 released

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.7-201312221905 released

The main change is the addition of the J-Link debugging plug-in, that supports the SEGGER J-Link JTAG/SWD probe, including extra features, like transparent integration of the GDB server, integration of the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) window as a standard Eclipse console, a functional restart button, and more.

Binary files »

New features:

  • [feature-request:#23] the echo command was added to the Cross Build Tools archive to prevent the missing command error that affected the Windows versions of the plug-in when new projects were created
  • [feature-request:#22] the STM32F4 template automatically sets the PLL_M definition as HSE_VALUE/1000000.

Bugs fixed:

  • [support-requests:#33] the STM32F4 template use of FMC/FSMC was fixed.

Other changes:

  • the STM32F4 template includes a conditional definition for Olimex STM32-E407 green led.