Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.x update sites URLs migrated to Netlify GNU MCU Eclipse OpenOCD v0.10.0-3-20170826* released

GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.1.1-201707111115 released

Version 4.1.1-201707111115 is a major release; thanks to a contribution from SiFive, the project was enhanced with support for RISC-V devices and, to better reflect the multi-platform nature, was rebranded GNU MCU Eclipse.

Important: the public URL for the new v4.x Eclipse update site is (

Binary files »

New features

  • a new build plug-in that allows to create and manage RISC-V projects was added
  • the plug-ins are also packed together with the current Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Neon.3 distribution; the binaries are available from GitHub Releases.

RISC-V plug-in tool settings

  • explicit support for --specs=nosys.specs added to both ARM and RISC-V plug-ins
  • a new RISC-V only repository was added at

Addressed bugs

  • none

Template changes

  • none

Other changes

  • the minimum requirements were raised to Eclipse 4.6 Neon.3, with Java 1.8;
  • with the addition of the RISC-V build plug-in, common ARM & RISC-V code was re-structured
  • the preferences and properties pages to configure paths were moved from C/C++ and Run/Debug under a common MCU page; separate pages for the ARM toolchain, RISC-V toolchain, Windows Build Tools, SEGGER J-Link, OpenOCD, pyOCD are available; MCU
  • the mechanism used to configure the debug plug-ins was migrated from Eclipse strings to dynamic variables; macros like ${cross_prefix} are all internal and are no longer present in the Run/Debug -> String Substitution preference page for inadvertent changes;
  • the update sites were migrated from SourceForge to Bintray; the new public URL for v4.x is ( and will be automatically redirected to the new server; currently there are no more functional dependencies on SourceForge;

Known problems

  • the new plug-ins cannot be installed on older Eclipses; for this, use the latest 3.x version, available from the deprecated update site (;
  • the new plug-ins have IDs prefixed with ilg.gnumcueclipse., while the old IDs were prefixed with ilg.gnuarmeclipse.; being completely different, this allows to install the new plug-ins alongside the old ones, but this should be avoided, and the old plug-ins should be manually uninstalled; preferably a new Eclipse instance should be used.