Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU MCU Eclipse ARM Embedded GCC v7.2.1-1.1 20180401 released GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools v2.11-20180428 released

GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.3.3-201804191501 released

Version 4.3.3-201804191501 is a maintenance release; the main changes are bug fixes and enhancements.

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New features

  • [Issue:#289] The initial approach to identify the toolchain was to store the full name in .cproject, and from it to compute the numeric ID; this does not allow to rename the toolchain in the future; to overcome this, the numeric toolchain ID is now stored in .cproject and future versions will prefer it to the full name;
  • [Issue:#288] Support for the new GNU MCU Eclipse ARM Embedded GCC toolchain was added, including the logic to select the path based on the xPack version;
  • [Issue:#270] Modern GCC versions allows to define the path of additional system folders, via the -isystem command line option; the managed build Settings pages were extended with an widget to define the list of system folders;
  • [Issue:#280] The debug plug-ins validation logic prevent the debug configuration to be saved if mandatory fields are missing, by disabling the Apply button, but they did not display any reason why the button is disabled; to help the user understand which fields are field, an error message was added;
  • [Issue:#281] The RISC-V Settings page was updated; the -mstrict-align was added as a combo, the -mtune=generic was deprecated, and -mtune=size was added;
  • [Issue:#283] Recent macOS and GNU/Linux versions of SEGGER J-Link were extended with GUI versions for the JLinkGDBServer, and the command line binaries were renamed JLinkGDBServerCL; the default in the J-Link debug plug-in was changed to reflect this new program name;
  • [Issue:#285] Due to sever availability, sometimes the CMSIS packs update process fails, and a message box is displayed allowing the user to retry or ignore; to improve user experience, an Ignore All button was added;
  • [Issue:#275] The RISC-V Settings page was improved; ilp32e was added to the list of accepted ABIs.

Addressed bugs

  • [Issue:#291] Non managed projects still displayed the Toolchain tabs in the Settings page, although the definitions are not relevant for them; the Toolchain tab is now shown only for managed projects;
  • [Issue:#290] The Devices tab was displayed in the Settings page even for projects not using ARM devices; the Devices tab is now shown only for ARM managed projects;
  • [Issue:#287] In certain conditions, checking for the package.json file while processing the peripheral definitions triggered an exception; fixed;
  • [Issue:#286] In certain conditions, the new logic used to identify SVD vs XSVD files failed when the SVD file used Unicode BOM, and the Peripherals View was empty; fixed;
  • [Issue:#278] In certain conditions, the logic behind the peripheral view triggered some NLS warnings in console; fixed;

Template changes

  • The SiFive templates were updated to the latest versions of the C/C++ xPacks; the same templates are now also available for command line usage as @sifive/templates.

Other changes

  • none

Known problems

  • none.