GNU MCU Eclipse News
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.6.1-201502281154 released
Feb 28, 2015 - Version 2.6.1-201502281154 is a new release; the main improvements include: significant stability and reliability changes to the Peripheral view, making it production ready; a new mechanism to manage the toolchain path and build tools path; for a better integration with the debug plug-ins, a new distribution of OpenOCD was added as a subproject named GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD.
GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD v0.8.0-20150131* released
Jan 31, 2015 - For a better integrations with the GNU ARM Eclipse debug plug-ins, a new distribution of OpenOCD was added as a subproject named GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD.
GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools v2.3-20150124* released
Jan 24, 2015 - Version 2.3-201501242223 is a new release of the GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools.
GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools v2.2-20150123* released
Jan 23, 2015 - Version 2.2-201501232303 is a maintenance release.
GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools v2.1-20150122* released
Jan 21, 2015 - Version 2.1-201501221704 is a new repack of the previous version.
GNU ARM Eclipse OpenOCD v0.8.0-20150119* released
Jan 19, 2015 - Version v0.8.0-20150119* is a maintenance release.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.5.1-201412191510 released
Dec 19, 2014 - Version 2.5.1-201412191510 is a new release; the main improvements include a more reliable J-Link GDB server startup code and an improved Peripherals view, also handling enumerated fields.
Debugging topics added to the FAQ page
Dec 15, 2014 - Three new entries were added to the FAQ page.
Build Tools repacked as Setup
Dec 2, 2014 - For your convenience, the Windows Build Tools were repacked as a Windows setup.
GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v2.4.2-201411261616 released
Nov 26, 2014 - Version 2.4.2-201411261616 is a maintenance release; the main improvements include support for Peripherals view in the OpenOCD debug plug-in and the newlib-nano explicit configuration options.