Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

DEPRECATED > How to build the OpenOCD binaries?

Deprecation notice

In mid-2019, the OpenOCD binaries were moved from the GNU MCU Eclipse project to the xPack project. The new home page is:

All previous releases are still available in the @gnu-mcu-eclipse scope, but were deprecated and are not recommended for new projects.

The GNU MCU Eclipse OpenOCD build scripts provide a single tool to create multi-platform binaries, generating the Windows 32, Windows 64, GNU/Linux 32, GNU/Linux 64 and macOS distribution packages.

The script was developed on macOS, but it also runs on any recent GNU/Linux distribution.

How to build?

For the final authoritative details, please refer to the separate openocd-build project.