Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

DEPRECATED > How to install the QEMU binaries?

Deprecation notice

In mid-2019, the QEMU binaries were moved from the GNU MCU Eclipse project to the xPack project. The new install page is:

All previous releases are still available in the @gnu-mcu-eclipse scope, but were deprecated and are not recommended for new projects.


The GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU is a fork of the public open-source QEMU project, customised for more support of Cortex-M cores, and a better integration with the GNU MCU QEMU Debugging plug-in.

The xPack install

This method uses the portable tool xpm, the xPack Package Manager, and can be used on Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.

$ xpm install --global @gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu

This will always install the latest available version, in the central xPacks repository, which is a platform dependent folder:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\xPacks (like C:\Users\ilg\AppData\Roaming\xPacks)
  • macOS: ${HOME}/Library/xPacks
  • GNU/Linux: ${HOME}/opt/xPacks

Note: This location is configurable using the environment variable XPACKS_REPO_FOLDER; for more details please check the xpm folders page.

The actual binaries are extracted from the distribution archive in a folder named .content, located in the versioned xPack folder. On some platforms, dotted files are hidden by default, so the file explorer might require additional settings to make them visible.

Windows antivirus warning: aggressive antiviruses may prevent xpm to install binary xPacks; see FAQ

Manual install

The all platforms, GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU is released as a portable archive that can be installed in any location.

The archives can be downloaded from  GitHub Releases page.

The QEMU Releases page

Note: For manual installs, the recommended install location is different from the xPack install folder.


The Windows versions of GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU are packed as ZIP files. Download the latest version named like:


Select the -win64 file for Windows x64 machines and the -win32 file for Windows x32 machines.

Unpack the archive and copy it into the %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\GNU MCU Eclipse (for example C:\Users\ilg\AppData\Roaming\GNU MCU Eclipse) folder; according to Microsoft, AppData\Roaming is the recommended location for installing user specific packages;

Note: although perfectly possible to install QEMU in any folder, it is highly recommended to use this path, since by default the plug-in searches for the executable in this location.

The result is a structure like:

QEMU Windows folders layout

To check if QEMU starts, use the following command:

C:\Users\ilg>"C:\Users\ilg\AppData\Roaming\GNU MCU Eclipse\QEMU\2.8.0-4-20190211-0633\bin\qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse.exe" --version
GNU MCU Eclipse 64-bits QEMU emulator version 2.8.0-4 (v2.8.0-3-20180523-6-gee07085299-dirty)
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers


For usual Cortex-M emulation, there are no special drivers required.


The macOS version of GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU is packed as a TGZ archive. Download the latest version named like:

  •  gnu-mcu-eclipse-qemu-2.8.0-4-20190211-0633-macos.tgz

To install QEMU, unpack the archive and copy it to /${HOME}/opt/gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/${version}:

$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/opt
$ cd ${HOME}/opt
$ tar xvf ~/Downloads/gnu-mcu-eclipse-qemu-2.8.0-4-20190211-0633-macos.tgz
$ chmod -R -w gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/2.8.0-4-20190211-0633

Note: although perfectly possible to install QEMU in any folder, it is highly recommended to use this path, since by default the plug-in searches for the executable in this location.

To check if QEMU starts, use:

$ ${HOME}/opt/gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/2.8.0-4-20190211-0633/bin/qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse --version
GNU MCU Eclipse 64-bits QEMU emulator version 2.8.0-4 (v2.8.0-3-20180523-6-gee07085299-dirty)
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers


The GNU/Linux versions of GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU are packed as TGZ archives. Download the latest version named like:

  • gnu-mcu-eclipse-qemu-2.8.0-4-20190211-0633-centos32.tgz
  • gnu-mcu-eclipse-qemu-2.8.0-4-20190211-0633-centos64.tgz

As the name implies, these are CentOS tar.gz archives, but can be executed on most recent GNU/Linux distributions (they were tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro, SuSE and Fedora). Select the -centos64 file for 64-bit machines and the -centos32 file for 32-bit machines.

To install QEMU, unpack the archive and copy it to /${HOME}/opt/gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/${version}:

$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/opt
$ cd ${HOME}/opt
$ tar xvf ~/Downloads/gnu-mcu-eclipse-qemu-2.8.0-4-20190211-0633-centos64.tgz
$ chmod -R -w gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/2.8.0-4-20190211-0633

Note: although perfectly possible to install QEMU in any folder, it is highly recommended to use this path, since by default the plug-in searches for the executable in this location.

To check if QEMU starts and is recent, use:

$ ${HOME}/opt/gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu/2.8.0-4-20190211-0633/bin/qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse --version
GNU MCU Eclipse 64-bits QEMU emulator version 2.8.0-4 (v2.8.0-3-20180523-6-gee07085299-dirty)
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers

UDEV & Drivers

For usual Cortex-M emulation, there are no special UDEV definitions or drivers required.

QEMU Debugging plug-ins

The QEMU debugging plug-ins are not included in these packages, and need to be installed as usual. Be sure that the GNU MCU C/C++ QEMU Debugging plug-ins are selected.

Install the QEMU plug-ins

Update QEMU path

Right after installing QEMU, or updating to a new version, it is necessary to inform Eclipse where the binaries were installed. If QEMU was installed in the default location, Eclipse has a mechanism to autodetect the most recent version, but this mechanism sometimes fails, and manual path setting is necessary.

To set the path, first exit Eclipse, and start it again, to allow the autodetect mechanism to give it a try:

  • in the Eclipse menu, go to (Window →) Preferences → MCU →  Global QEMU Path (or Workspace QEMU Path)

    The QEMU preferences page

  • click the Restore Defaults button

For more details please refer to the QEMU plug-in page, where the entire procedure is explained.