Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v3.1.1-201606210758 released GNU ARM Eclipse Windows Build Tools v2.7-20161028* released

GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU v2.6.0-20160728* released

Version 2.6.0-201607280535 is a stable release, adding support for BASEPRI, in order for RTOSes (like FreeRTOS, µOS++ IIIe / CMSIS++) to properly implement critical sections.

Binary files »

Addressed issues

  • [Issue:#21] in the original QEMU, the Cortex-M3/M4/M7 BASEPRI register was ignored when processing interrupts, so it was not possible to implement critical sections by manipulating BASEPRI; fixed.
  • [Issue:#13] in certain conditions, writing a half word was not effective; fixed.
  • in the original QEMU, the CoreDebug registers were not implemented; added, with minimal functionality; in the DHCSR register, the C_DEBUGEN bit is set to 1 if the program runs under the GDB server.
  • [Issue:#23] make the BKPT instruction interrupt the CPU while in DEBUG
  • [Issue:#20] The special registered were not visible in the GDB server list; MSP, PSP, PRIMASK, BASEPRI, FAULTMASK, CONTROL were added.
  • [Issue:#19] in certain conditions, the resetting the peripheral registers was not effective; fixed.
  • add reset for all USARTs on the STM32 devices.
  • [Issue:#9] the LEDs on the OLIMEX STM32-P107 board were swapped; fixed.


The new QEMU can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases page.

The MD5 sums of the files are:




