Eclipse Embedded CDT

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU Arm & RISC-V development

GNU MCU Eclipse OpenOCD v0.10.0-12 20190422 released GNU MCU Eclipse RISC-V Embedded GCC v8.2.0-2.1 20190425 released

GNU MCU Eclipse QEMU v2.8.0-5 20190424 released

Version 2.8.0-5 20190424 is a maintenance release, to fix several bugs.

Binary files »

Bug fixes

  • [#66] for some STM32 devices, the USART SR reset value was wrong; fixed.
  • [#63] the command line option to set the total memory size (-memory size=kb) was ignored; fixed.
  • [#43] the values returned by the semihosting command SYS_HEAPINFO were not accurate; since these values cannot be computed, now the command returns all 0.
  • [#39] in certain conditions, when referring an unknown board, the program crashed; fixed, now an error message is issued.

Known problems

  • Ctrl-C does not interrupt the execution if the --nographic option is used.


Binaries for Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux are provided.

Build notes

The GNU/Linux binaries were built on two CentOS 6 Docker images (32/64-bit), and run on any distribution based on CentOS 6 or later.

The Windows binaries were built with mingw-w64, and run on any reasonably recent i686 and x86_64 Windows machines.

Easy install

QEMU is also available as an xPack and can be conveniently installed with xpm:

$ xpm install --global @gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu@2.8.0-5.1

To install the latest version available, use:

$ xpm install --global @gnu-mcu-eclipse/qemu

Note: The method to select the path based on the xPack version was already added to the Eclipse plug-in, but for now is only available in the version published on the test site (

Manual install

Instructions on how to install the binaries are available in the How to install the QEMU binaries? page.


The SHA-256 hashes for the files are:




